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GRE单词故事-新国王:beneficent probity credence ambivalence

诺哈网2023-08-17 10:37:080

Once upon a time, there was a beneficent king who ruled his kingdom with probity. Everyone in the kingdom believed in the king’s credence and respected him deeply. However, when the king’s son became the heir to the throne, the people of the kingdom were ambivalent about his capability to rule. Although the young prince showed promise, his lack of experience made the people unsure of his ability to carry on his father’s legacy. Nevertheless, the king trusted his son and believed in his ability to rule with the same beneficence and probity as himself. Over time, the prince proved himself to be a just and wise ruler, and the people’s ambivalence finally turned into admiration and respect for their new king.


beneficent [bəˈnɛfəsənt] adj. 慈善的,行善的,有益的


同根词:benefit (n. 好处), beneficiary (n. 受益人), beneficial (adj. 有益的)

近义词:charitable (慈善的)

probity [ˈprɑːbəti] n. 正直,诚实

词根词源:源自prove证明,“proving oneself”证明自己的(正直)。probation作为缓刑和试用时其实也是要证明这个人的品行。probe探究则是指证明的过程。

同根词:probation (n. 缓刑、试用), probe (v. 探究), probate (n. 遗嘱认证)

近义词:honesty (n. 诚实)

credence [ˈkridəns] n. 信任,信赖


同根词:credit (n. 信用), credibility (n. 可信度), credulous (adj. 轻信的)

近义词:trust (n. 信任)

ambivalence [æmˈbɪvələns] n. 矛盾心理

词根词源:ambi-指两个、两边,而-val跟evaluation中的val-同源,表示价值、称量。ambivalence 指的是一个人有两种或以上的矛盾情感。

同根词:equivalent (adj. 等价的), valence (n. 价, 价值)

近义词:indecision (n. 优柔寡断)

反义词:certainty (n. 确定)
