首页资讯教育外语第46期:My New Boyfriend 我的新男朋友

第46期:My New Boyfriend 我的新男朋友

诺哈网2023-08-10 10:35:530


Hey guys! Welcome to my channel, I’m Mavis. Good morning!欢迎来到我的频道~我是Mavis老师~ 大家早上好~

I guess most of us have heard romantic stories in our daily life or some of us are in a romantic relationship now.我想我们大多数人都在日常生活中听说过浪漫的故事,或者我们中的一些人现在正处于浪漫的关系中。And today we're gonna listen to a dialogue in which two girls are discussing a man and one of the girls has dated him.今天我们要听一段对话,两个女孩正在讨论一个男士,其中一个女孩之前和他约过会。

In this conversation we can learn a lot of useful words and phrases used for describing a person.在这次对话中,我们可以学到很多用于描述一个人的有用单词和短语。

Now let's see what's happening in the dialogue.接下来我们看看发生了什么事儿吧。


A: I heard you were on a date last night! So, how how did it go? I want all the juicy details!我听说你昨晚有一个约会,怎么样呢?我想知道所有有趣的细节! B: Um... well, actually, we had a fantastic time last night. He was...amazing!嗯...... 其实,昨晚我们玩的很开心!他...... 棒极了! A: Okay, now you really have to fill me in. What’s he like?好的,现在你必须告诉我,他是个什么样的人?B: He’s really good looking; he’s quite tall, around 6’1”, he’s in his early thirties, and he’s got the most beautiful dark brown eyes...他长的很好看;很高,约有6尺1,30岁出头,他还有一双非常漂亮的深棕色眼睛。A: He sounds hot! What does he do for a living?他听起来很酷!他做什么工作呢? B: You know what, this is the best part. David is a junior investment banker at Fortune Bank, so he’s got a great career path ahead of him!你知道吗,最棒的是David是财富银行的一名初级银行投资家,所以他事业发展前景非常好!A: Hold on a sec, his name is David?等一下,他叫David?B: Yeah?对的,怎么啦?A: That’s my brother!那是我哥哥!


1.I heard you were on a date last night!连读分析:① 辅音 半元音的连读:heard you半元音:/w/、/j/ (其发音介于元音和辅音之间)辅音和半元音的连读规则:把前一个单词结尾的辅音和后一个单词开头的半元音连读成一个音节。heard结尾的d/d/音 后面you开头的/j/连读,一起读作/ʤ/;② 辅元连读:on aa直接并入到on里面去,一起读作/ɑnə/;③ 辅辅连读:last nightlast结尾的/t/和紧跟着的night开头的/n/连读,两个都是辅音所以前面的/t/进行失音处理,后面的/n/顶上,一起读作/læsnaɪt/。

2.He’s quite tall.他长得很高。连读分析:quite结尾的e不发音,所以是辅音/t/结尾,同时后面tall开头也是/t/,所以两个/t/相遇,只读后面的/t/,前面的进行失音处理即可。这种连读技巧叫做“叠合”。

3.This is the best part.这是最精彩的部分。连读分析:This结尾的/s/和后面is开头的/ɪ/连读,属于辅元连读,一起读作/’ðɪsɪz/。best结尾的/t/和后面part开头的/p/都是爆破音,所以两个辅音在一起,进行失爆处理,只读/p/不读/t/,简单来说就是只读后面的,不读前面的。


1.juicy /dʒusi/ adj.①Cooking 多汁的 ‹fruit, meat›英英释义:(of food) full of juice; succulent;搭配示范:a juicy apple 一个多汁的苹果a juicy steak 一个多汁的牛排

②figurative (racy) 富于刺激性的 ‹scenes, details›实用搭配:juicy gossip 绯闻 a juicy story 花边趣闻 例句:I want all the juicy details!我想要听有趣的细节!

③informal (profitable) 利润丰厚的 ‹deal, contract›搭配示范:the promise of juicy returns丰厚回报的保证(保证会有丰厚的回报)

2.path /pæθ/① (track) 小路 实用搭配:a mountain path 山路tobeat a path to sb's door 争先恐后去某人处例句:The whole world seemed to beat apath to our door.我们似乎成了整个世界注意的焦点。

② (course) 路线 实用搭配:the path ofthe planets 行星的轨道 例句:Her paththrough life has not been easy.她的生活不太平顺。

③ (course of action, option) 行动路线实用搭配:the path ofleast resistance 最简单的做法

④figurative (means) 途径实用搭配:the path to riches/success 通向富裕/成功的道路 例句:He’s got a great career path ahead of him!他事业发展前景良好!

⑤Computing 路径


1.hot(good) 极好的 informal 原文:He sounds hot!他听起来很不错!例句:The team is hot!这个队很棒!实用搭配:to be hot on sth. (knowledgeable) 通晓某事(keen) ;擅长某事

2.Okay, now you really have to fill me in. What’s he like?好的,现在你必须告诉我,他是个什么样的人?[fill sb in] transitive verb向…通报 实用搭配:to fillsb in on sth 向某人通告某事 intransitive verb 临时代替实用搭配:to fill in for sb 暂代某人工作



I heard you were on a date last night!

He’s quite tall.

This is the best part.


juicy | 英 ˈdʒuːsi, 美 ˈdʒusi | adj.

①Cooking 多汁的 ‹fruit, meat›

②figurative (racy) 富于刺激性的

‹scenes, details›

③informal(profitable) 利润丰厚的

‹deal, contract›

path /pæθ/

①(track) 小路

②(course) 路线

③(course of action, option) 行动路线

④figurative (means) 途径

⑤Computing 路径


sb. sounds hot! 极好的

fill sb. in 向……通报

感谢大家本次的收听^^ 祝大家度过愉快的周末哦!
