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网络热词 (三)

诺哈网2023-07-29 08:55:130

1. 安利:

to strongly recommend something to someone (强烈把某物推荐给某人)

to get someone hooked on something (让某人喜欢上某物)

2. :

none of your business

3. 高级黑:

to throw shade on something in a subtle and shielded way

to backhandedly diss someone

* backhanded:拐弯抹角的,言外之意的

4. 逆行者

a counter-macher

5. 柠檬精:

a jealous person

a lemon monster

6. 抱大腿:

curry favor from someone

7. 颜值:

the level of someone's appearance

8. 三观:

fundamental views

9. 为…打call:

to booster / support / boost someone

10. 心灵鸡汤:

philosophical but useless words

11. 毒鸡汤:

straightforward and negative words

12. 作死:

to seek trouble out / to look for trouble

13. 吐槽:

to make complaints

to make comments with a sarcastic tone (用讽刺的语气做评论)

to mock / roast

* 看过脱口秀《吐槽大会》吗?用的就是 roast 这个单词:



14. 女汉子:

a tough girl

15. 你行你上!

Put / Nut up or shut up!

* put / nut up:开始行动

16. 键盘侠:

a clicktivist


17. 正能量:

positive influence / emotion

18. 负能量:

negative influence / emotion

19. 男神:

dream guy

20. 女神:

dream muse

21. 我也是醉了!

That leaves me no more will to scold....

22. 心塞:

feel suffocated / stifled

23. 吃土:

to be very poor

24. 戏精:

a drama queen / an attention whore

25. 开撕:

to have a beef (with...)

26. (给…)补刀:

(to give someone) another shock / hit

27. 套路:

a strategy


all planned out

P.S. 其它热词相关的帖子:

🗝 网络热词 (一)

🗝 网络热词 (二)
