1. 有多少人面试,录取率多少?去一次不容易,多少要算点赢面啊!
2. 谁面试我?会问啥?
Who will interview me?
You will be interviewed by academic tutors, usually within a college. They teach and research at the University and decide who studies here. Normally you will be interviewed by two tutors, occasionally more. If you are applying for a joint course, with two or more subjects, you should expect to be interviewed by tutors representing each of the subjects. For some joint courses you may be interviewed separately for each subject area.
What will I be asked?
Tutors will understand that you may be nervous and will try to put you at your ease. They want you to feel able to be yourself in the interview, and to allow you to demonstrate your skills and abilities. They will probably ask you a few simple questions to begin with: perhaps about something in your personal statement or why you have applied for a particular course. They will then move on to questions about your subject. Depending on what is relevant for the course you are applying for, you may be given a text, a poem, a graph, or an object, and then asked to answer questions and comment on it. You may be given these before the interview, and will be advised if there is anything in particular on which you need to focus. Tutors may also refer to any written work that you were asked to submit. Questions may be about the subjects that you are currently studying at school or college. However, you will also be offered opportunities to show whether you have read around the subject and to demonstrate your knowledge and interest beyond your school or college syllabus.
3. 如何准备?
a. 要想清楚,你为何选这个专业? (学术)
b. 关注自己的专业术语,准备如何描述。 (继续学术)
c. 没必要找培训。 (友情提醒)
d. 了解以前学生写的经历。 (指导方法)
4. 面试怎么安排的?
What should I bring?
Your invitation letter will let you know what to bring but here are some general recommendations:
· Copies of your personal statement and any written work that you have submitted (tutors may refer to these during your interview)
· A mobile phone and charger (so that the college can contact you if they need to)
· Something to do: it's a good idea to bring a book or some current school or college work, as relatively little of your time will be actually spent in interviews. Current students will be looking after you and may arrange some social events to help you stay relaxed and enjoy your time in Oxford.
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